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Friday, May 28, 2010

Hiring and Keeping Staff

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Having a terrible assistant can cost you a world of headache.

Not having one can cause you to miss out on revenue in clients that you otherwise wouldn't be able to reach.

Employees can not live with them! Can not live without them!

Here are somethings you should ask on an interview:
  1. Issues and concerns they have had with past employers and how they have dealt with such issues.
  2. Their learning style because this dictates as to how you can train them and how they will adapt to the work area.
  3. Do they have options as far as: Child Car, Transportation. This will dictate whether they can make it to work on time, have to leave early frequently, or come to work at all.
  4. Ask an off the wall critical thinking question to test their problem solving skills.
Here are some things I have learned as a fairly new employer for new hires:

  1. Definitely have an employee handbook with procedures and policies for attendance, pay, employee's actions, etc. This way if something happens your actions in reprimanding this employee are not a shock the employee. It is also provides consistency.  
  2. Setup your payroll through a reputable company. The last thing you want is for your employees to be paid late.
  3. Develop a training manual. Believe it or not employment is voluntary on both sides. So if an employee quits and someone needs to be rehired/retrained you want something in place that will help the new hire with their position.
  4. Be patient! A new hire has to learn to do things according to the way you want them to, even if they have experience.
  5. Provide employee with periodic reviews of their work.
  6. Make sure your door is open so that your employee can voice to your their concerns and issues. This helps to facilitate a less hostile work place.

Finally, you can find a great pool of candidates from the community college or university career posting website. Other classified ad sites maybe helpful if you what a very large pool of applicants.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Benefits of a List serv

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A listserv is unlike an Internet forum where users pull only the specific information they request. A listserv passively provides a variety of information into a user's inbox. Users can respond to the listserv with their own questions or solutions, and they learn new things they may not have known to search for or request information on. All users have to do is check their e-mail inboxes in order to receive information from a listserv.

List servs such as posselist have had great success. I have even begun my own local list serv and have received many benefits from this.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Referral Etiquette

As an Attorney were often farming out referring clients that
come to other Attorneys. This is done based on the area of law or expertise the
potential client is seeking or simply because the client is outside our
geographical area.

This is a great and free way to get referrals. That
being said here are some ground rules I feel should be laid down when referring
clients to another attorney.

If at all possible make sure the attorney that you are
referring the client to is going to be able to receive the referral and assist
the client.

Try and establish a working relationship with the other
Attorney where you can refer clients to each other.

Provide the client with the other Attorney’s
telephone number, Fax, and email address if at all possible. Most ethics
rule forbid the other Attorney from contacting the client directly first.


DO not bully the other Attorney into “hooking up”
or discounting the rate. Often times Attorneys refer their family members and
friends and expect the other Attorney to slash their prices. Remember like you
they have overhead and a life style to maintain, so please do not take bread
out of their mouths.

Remember the larger your network
the more powerful your network will be!


Your 3 worst debt consolidation moves

The Basics
Your 3 worst debt consolidation moves

If you're up to your eyeballs, the fantasy of debt consolidation can suck you right in. Watch out for the slippery side of consolidation loans, balance transfers and other 'easy fixes.'


The phrase "debt consolidation" has always had a magical ring to me.

As if somehow, someone would have the power to mush my debt into one neat little package, which by some incredible financial alchemy would also then shrink the debt itself -- and I'd only owe a hundred bucks or so.

I know I'm not the only idiot who's had this fantasy, because an entire industry has sprung up to support it: The Debt Consolidation Industry and Covert Sting Operation. Every day, I get at least one piece of regular mail offering me low-interest balance-transfer deals for credit-card debt, or arm-twisting e-mail from unknown credit organizations that scream things like:

These promises are incredibly alluring to anyone who is caught in the quicksand of having too much consumer debt, and who will believe anything, do anything -- click her ruby slippers (bought on sale for just $400!) three times -- to make it go away. But before you start skipping down some financial yellow brick road to see the Wizard of Debt Consolidation, remember this: Watch out for those flying monkeys.

Three bad debt-consolidation moves:

1) The Hard-Money Loan
"The biggest myth about debt-consolidation loans is that they're easy to get," says Scott Kays, president of Kays Financial Advisory Corp. and author of "Achieving Your Financial Potential." If you really need a loan, it's probably because you've already missed a few payments and your credit history has more dings in it than a '74 Ford Pinto.

And that's the problem. Kays says that if you are a credit risk, the consolidator may entice you with promises of an easy-does-it loan, and end up charging you higher interest rates than you're paying now -- as high as 21% or 22%. "Your monthly payment may be lower" with one of these loans, "but you'll end up paying more," says Kays.

2) Debt Consolidators Who Promise to Take Care of Everything
This is the fairy godmother fantasy. This Nice Big Debt Consolidation company comes along and swears they'll make your life soooo much easier. They'll negotiate lower interest rates, reduce your monthly payments -- and all you have to do is make "one EZ payment."

In reality, many debt consolidators build in a fee as part of the monthly payment you make to them. It's usually about 10% of the payment (i.e. about $40 on a $400 monthly payment). They pass along your payments to the creditor -- some debit directly from your checking account -- and get back a 10% to 15% slice that the relieved creditor is only too happy to rebate to the consolidator.

Is it worth paying someone else to do what you can do on your own, i.e. negotiate lower interest rates and stretch out your repayment schedule and pay off the highest-interest debts first?

To desperate ears, this might sound like an ideal solution, especially when you talk to these people and they scare the bejeezus out of you. I interviewed two, Cambridge Credit and Counseling Services and Integrated Credit Solutions. Each offered similar services, and I don't recommend either of them. The senior credit counselor I spoke to at Integrated told me, in grave tones, that it would take me 379 months -- or 32 years -- to pay off my debt. With their services, however, they would "save me 27 years," and I could pay off my debt in just 53 months, or about 4 1/2 years.

Thats funny, because when I plugged my debt into the MSN Money Debt Consolidator -- a less biased source, since they ain't getting no fee from me -- they said I could pay off my debt in 41 months, providing I make slightly higher minimum payments to each card: a total of just $60 extra per card.

Here's another risk with consolidators you should know about: they have been known, in some cases, to make late payments or even miss payments, thus worsening your plight (and your credit record).

After I got off the phone with Integrated, I had to ask myself: Is it worth paying someone else to do what you can do on your own? That is, negotiate lower interest rates and stretch out your repayment schedule and pay off the highest-interest debts first? I don't think so.

3) The Balance Transfer Trap
Low-interest balance-transfer cards are a dime a dozen these days, but remember that those rates only last a few months -- and then you have to switch cards again. The danger is that at some point all this activity begins to show up on your credit report, and you start to look like a bad risk. Then if you get turned down, "you could be left holding the high-interest card you were hoping to dump," says Kays.

If you think you can swing from the balance-transfer vines for a few months, just make sure you formally close all your accounts yourself, and then notify the credit-card company to mark the account "closed at customer's request." "Otherwise, on your credit report, it will look like the creditor closed your account," says David Mooney, PR director of Equifax, one of the biggest credit reporting agencies. Thus making you look like an even worse risk, even when you're doing your best not to be.

Your best debt-consolidation moves
If you own a home and have some equity in it, you have a couple of options that are relatively low in cost. These are pretty straightforward:

Take out a home equity loan. A home equity loan has the advantage of carrying a fairly low interest rate, currently in the high single digits, and what interest you do pay is tax-deductible, Kays points out. Most fixed-rate loans carry a 15-year term and require that borrowers pay an origination fee of $75 to several hundred dollars, plus the cost of an appraisal and title insurance.

Do a "cash-out" refinancing. Another option for those with home equity is refinancing your property for greater than the amount you owe and using the extra cash to pay off debt. You get very low interest rates this way, but you're stretching payments out over 15 or 30 years. The total interest cost over three decades can wind up being pretty huge, so think of this as a one-time-only (if ever) option.

Refinance your car. "Most people don't think of it, but it is a secured loan and you can borrow against it," Kays says. The danger there is that you may run out of car before you run out of debt. It's tough to buy a new car when you owe more than it's worth.

Get a personal loan. If you have reasonably undamaged credit, you may qualify for an unsecured loan. Credit unions (see link to the left) typically offer lower rates than banks, but even there you can expect a rate of 11% or more. Still, that may be a whole lot less than the 20%-plus you're now paying to the credit-card company.

Negotiate better terms. You can do this for yourself easily. Just call your credit-card company and ask them to do it (many customer service people are authorized to reduce rates right there on the phone).

Another alternative. Or you can get help from an organization like National Foundation for Credit Counseling (see link to left). NFCC has branches throughout the country; they are a non-profit, community organization that provides free and confidential debt management advice to anyone who needs it. You can even consult with them over the phone, like I did (see below).

Like other debt consolidators, NFCC gets paid by creditors, so it's in their best interest to work out a repayment plan rather than advise you to declare bankruptcy. Not that you want to be advised to declare bankruptcy, but in certain cases it may be your best option.

NFCC makes no outlandish promises beyond the prospect of a saner financial life, and the possibility of qualifying for their low-rate mortgage program. They also offer low-cost financial planning -- a resource I'm definitely going to look into for a future column. Once I have some finances again, I will need someone to tell me what to do with them!

So whatever happened to
Since writing about my struggles with debt, Ive become religious about paying as much money as I could every month. (Thing was: I still carried my credit cards in my wallet. So my new get-out-of-debt tip would be: Take the cards out of the wallet. Otherwise, you will use them.)

Then those big payments started to have an impact. But I was on a mission. I wanted my debt gone. I turned to debt calculators, talked with friends, and ultimately came up with a two-pronged plan of merciless debt destruction. Operation Enduring Freedom from Debt. First, I took on some extra freelance work that, eventually, would pay me a little bit more than my debt in four big chunks. While I was waiting and working, I decided to consolidate my debt and turned to NFCC as my resource.

Here's the best part of NFCC: 1) They give you a one-hour consultation, by phone or in person, to help you decide if you need a Debt Management Plan. 2) In order to do the consultation, they make you fill out a form that details all your expenses.

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Writing down my daily expenses is Personal Finance 101, and I've always found it mildly useful. NFCC advisor Nina Reiss, on the other hand, walked me through an entire year of expenditures. Now THAT was eye-opening. She asked me what I paid per month for things I'd forgotten even were expenses: subscriptions, holiday gifts, underwear, new socks, groceries, birthday gifts, movies (even rentals), my yoga classes, banking fees -- you'd be amazed what you pay just to live a semi-civilized life.

Ultimately, Reiss felt that I was living about $100 a month beyond my means, but that I was paying as much as I could toward the debt on my own. We did the numbers and figured that even with their interest-rate reductions, I could still pay off my debt without their help -- as long as I cut back my expenses so that I was living within my means. So in the end, dear reader, getting out debt boils down to one thing and one thing only (which you and I already knew): elbow grease, peanut butter lunches and living like a more reasonable human being.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Green Lawyer is an innovative Lawyer!

We have significantly reduced our electricity use by over 30%. We did this by purchasing energy star appliances and office equipment.Being green isn't just innovative, its smart and less expensive!

The greenest paper is no paper at all, so keep things digital and dematerialized whenever possible. The more you do online, the less you need paper. Keep files on computers instead of in file cabinets. We often send confidential communications over email. This ensures a speedy delivery of the message to the client and supports our green efforts. Although we are not completely paper less, almost 90% percent of our client files are located on a secure server; hence, why we no longer have or need large file cabinets to store these files. Also, with changes to technology we are able to create and send documents via email and fax without printing them first!.

Although some paper use can not be avoided, so use recycled paper and envelopes that have been processed and colored using eco-friendly methods. Our Pens and pencils are made of recycled materials, and refillable pens and markers are preferable to disposable ones. We often use biodegradable soaps and recycled paper or cloth towels in the bathroom and kitchen, and provide biodegradable cleaners for the custodial staff. Buying in bulk so that shipping and packaging waste are reduced, and reuse the shipping boxes is yet another way we achieve this.

Further, we make it a point to Recycle printer cartridges and purchase remanufactured ink and toner cartridges. In addition, we have donated unwanted products and furniture. These are a few in our many efforts to be more eco-friendly and go green.

support the sole practitioner cause