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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Competition and Rivalry

By Bankruptcy Lawyer

As if being a solo was not hard enough with the stringent rules we have to follow, the client headaches, stressful workdays, income fluctuations but ah-ha we have to at times deal with the condemnation of older practitioners who feel that we do not have our place in "their world."

My experience is similar to that movie "Mean Girls." A group of solos in one particular practice area approached one of the Attorneys I associate with and stated that they were working to run me out because they did not like my fees or my advertising. These older solos have more clients than I do and charge more money. They felt as though I was cutting into their competition. All I can do is laugh. This is so childish that I don't feel that it should be worthy of a post; however, the backlash that i have received while practicing this particular area of law by other Attorneys and court officials has made me think that I am damned if i do and damned if I don't. I have to make a living and need to advertise to get the clients in and I can not justify charging more money than I do because it's simply not feasible for me.

So what do you do when your competition is systematically trying to run you off and file motions against you? and get other Judges and Court officials against you? You throw the wolves a bone. Although I think it was really immature for the wolves in sheep's clothing to not approach me personally, I will give them one concession, which is to not publish my fees. Although the publication of my fees are not against any ethics rules. BUT I will continue to advertise and do what I need to do to get my clients in.

Solos need to stick together and not work to tear each other down.

Good Luck Solo you will need it, there are hungry wolves out there searching for blood!

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