Purchase Legal Forms
Frequent times I receive calls from Clients asking me why they should go with my services instead of purchasing a form from legal zoom. In North Carolina the answer is simple, my services are legal and legal zoom are not (see http://greatestamericanlawyer.typepad.com/ncapccd4.pdf)
Yes, legal zoom is alot cheaper than traditional services from an Attorney. However, legal zoom forms are often inaccurate and do not reflect the current laws and correct legal wording necessary and for the best results. Neither does the site or its owners guarantee that the information dispatched on its site are correct or up to date.
Legal Zoom has managed to become a household name. Unfortunately, consumers in the end are not saving money or receiving legal services. Within their disclosures and terms they state that they are not providing legal advice and recommend you seek the services of an Attorney.
Legal Documents are to be taken lightly, strongly advise your clients to seek your help before going with unauthorized document preparers. In the end they could be out of more than just the $30 dollars it cost to purchase the form, they could potentially end up in litigation or loosing propetection under the law based on the invalidation of the document.
Don't take my word for it, search the various complaint boards and sites out there for disgruntled consumers of the service and products. Wills and Contracts are not things to be taken lightly!