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Monday, October 19, 2009

10 ways to Cut Costs and Increase Cash Flow

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  1. Create templates, charts, rather than purchasing hi-teck software programs for billing and client management
  2. Email clients information instead of sending it through mail and paying postage and for ink
  3. Pay your businesses bills online, instead of mailing checks
  4. Find other professionals to barter services with (designers, contractors, ect)
  5. Get help in the form of unpaid interns to begin with
  6. Shop around for communication packages, legal reseach, insurance and let them know that you are going with the most competitive rate
  7. Office supplies try shopping at Walmart and Target instead of Office retail stores, if you do use office stores then make sure you become part of the rewards program where you receive cash back rewards on your purchases
  8. Keep track of your expenses, because if you know how much you are spending you may not spend as much
  9. Try free advertisement sites, going to activities/functions, networking events where you can make great contacts and pass on your information
  10. Create a referral network with Attorneys in your area who practice in different areas of law and in different counties
  11. Don't over extend yourself by taking cases that will take too much time and pay little
  12. The longer it takes to get paid, the greater the risk of loss. The 80/20 rule states that 80% of your revenues are generated by 20% of your customers. If this is the case, it may be wise to review the other 80% of your customers to see if you can continue to serve them cost-effectively--GET YOUR MONEY UP FRONT IF YOU CAN
  13. Work from home sometimes, why expend gas to go into your office everytime you need to get work done?
  14. Recycle its good for environment and it will save you money (Ink, periodicals from home using them in office, ect)
  15. GO GREEN!
I'm sure you can think of some more ways but here are some basic ideas to get you started!

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