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We all pretty much dislike CLE and having to pay for them. Nonetheless there are ways you can get the credit you need and bypass the dent in your wallet. Here are some tips
1. Make sure you are on the email List serv for Bar Associations and Groups. They often offer workshops and volunteer opportunities in which person's who attend can receive credit.
2. If there is a non-profit that you are in touch with Legal Aid, Children Defense Center, Capital Punishment, ect. Write to them and inquire as to when they will offer to workshops and training sessions to private trainings.
3. To be admitted to some courts, Federal, or specific administrative courts you need to receive some training. Make sure they report these trainings to the bar so you can receive credit.
4. Contact the State Bar, along with their listings for paid CLE courses they sometimes have listings of some free training and CLE courses.
5. If you are planning on taking a training course and it is related to your practice of law, Email/call the CLE representative at the Bar and request Credit. He or She will provide you with a form. You will need to submit that form along with a copy of the program and if it is approved you will receive credit.
6. SOme ogranizations have web seminars. In NC you are allowed up to 4 hours of online CLE per year. Repeat the process to receive credit listed in #4 and or you may ask the sponsor to submit a request to have the program recognized by the Bar. In the Later, all the sponsor would have to do is report your hours with he credit hours to the bar.
Of Course there are some CLE you want to attend and must pay for, but its worth a try to get the rest covered. Hope this helps and Good Luck!